Financial Statements
Reviewed Financial Statements
(Review Engagement Report)
If you are looking for some assurances regarding your business and the financial statements or you have a contractual obligation to someone else to provide financial statements, a Review engagement may be your solution. A Review is not an audit; however the nature of the work that FOUNDATIONS LLP would perform can bring a level of comfort to the managers and the owners. In some circumstances, regulatory agencies will accept financial statements that have been reviewed by an independent accountant, in place of requiring an audit. Contact FOUNDATIONS LLP to know more.
Compiled Financial INFORMATION Statements
(Notice to Reader report)
This engagement can serve the needs of many owner managed businesses. Its focus is to ensure that the financial statements are neither false nor misleading. As owners or managers, your interest is to make a profit, protect company assets and comply with business and governmental regulations and laws, especially tax law. Well compiled financial information statements by FOUNDATIONS LLP can meet these requirements. Contact FOUNDATIONS LLP to know more.
Inactive business’ and Wind ups
(no special report)
FOUNDATIONS LLP has specific procedures to ensure that when there is minimal or no activity and no requirement for a financial statement, the requirements of corporate tax filing can be met with minimal cost. Contact FOUNDATIONS LLP to know more.